Group 3 - Exceptional

Prelim Task Group 1E - "I've been expecting you"

Monday 4 April 2011

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Target Audience
The target audience for 'Exceptional' is 15-25 year olds, mainly males who enjoy watching films regularly and are interested in similar films from the same genre. They are most likely interested in technology and the latest gadgets around. Ideally they are attending/have attended a school at some point, this is due to the setting of which the film takes place.

Target Audience and their interests
Secondary Markets
  • Young Females (especially teenagers) - due to the romance aspect to the film involving the hero and the 'damsel-in-distress'.
Young Females
  • Pre-Teens (or 'Tweenagers') - they aspire to be older and want a taste of the the lifestyle that the jocks/popular girls in high school have (i.e. being popular, parties, socialising, etc.)
  • Superhero Genre Fan Base - this genre has a very large and dedicated audience. This audience ranges from young ages to old, whether they are fans of the new/most famous superheroes or they are fans of the original comic books themselves.
Collection of images from Comic Con 2009